Personal & Economic Permaculture PDC Homefun
Homefun resources related to Personal & Economic Permaculture from our Permaculture Design Certificate course.
Homefun resources related to Personal & Economic Permaculture from our Permaculture Design Certificate course.
Erin Axelrod describes her upcoming workshop on Designing the Regenerative Economy with Kevin Bayuk. Erin & Kevin are both partners of LIFT Economy.
Erin Axelrod & Kevin Bayuk discuss Next Economy design principles & strategies for vocation & regenerative enterprise design.
By Melissa Ott Fant As part of our interview series with instructors for our Systems Change & the Next Economy course, we spoke with Nwamaka Agbo, who will be leading a workshop on “Restorative Economics: Strategies for Just Transition to a more Sustainable, Equitable and Just Economy.” Her workshop will take place March 16-17 in Santa Cruz County. Nwamaka Agbo
“I spent a number of years in finance, left in 2009, and since then I started an effort to really share my understanding of the large systems–money, banking, economics, and finance–with the general public with the goal of empowering the people that want to change the society with the understanding to transform it.” – Marco Vangelisti
Recently we interviewed Marco Vangelisti, who has a background in finance and investment management and was a founding member of Slow Money. He is a 100% impact investor and helps communities increase their capacity for local investing. Marco’s workshop is titled “Essential Knowledge for Transition: Understanding the economy, money and investing and how to transform them for a regenerative world” and will take place February 23-24.
“Your Right Livelihood is the place where your deepest gladness meets the world’s deepest hunger at your highest place of potential.” – Della Duncan, host of the Upstream Podcast & lecturer at Schumacher College
In anticipation of the upcoming Systems Change and the Next Economy course, we interviewed Della Duncan, alternative economist, teacher, and broadcast journalist, who will be facilitating the first weekend workshop. We wanted to learn more about her passions, perspectives, and experiences in order to give prospective students a glimpse into what they will learn later this month.
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