Tag: bioswale

Preparing for winter rains after the fires

Now is the time to prepare for the coming winter rains to prevent additional damage to the recovering forest while simultaneously preparing the ground to receive much-needed rains to help the forest regrow. Even if your home wasn’t affected by the fires, you can still prepare for the coming rainy season with some of the suggestions outlined below.

Turning Fire Into Water: Fire Preparedness through Forest and Watershed Regeneration

Co-Written by David Shaw and Melissa Ott Fant “Long-range planning does not deal with future decisions, but with the future of present decisions.” – Peter Drucker This is part two of a series on permaculture approaches to fire ecology, preparedness, recovery, and regeneration. Read part one of the series here. After exploring fire ecology and resources for communicating during active

Rainwater Harvesting: Berms and Swales

In the fourth post in our Rainwater Harvesting series, learn how to design and build berms and swales to slow, spread, and sink water on sloped landscapes.

Rainwater Harvesting: Surveying

by Giovanni Castaldo, Santa Cruz Permaculture Design Course participant This series of blog posts about Rainwater Harvesting provides an overview of some of the key practices. It’s informed and guided by the book Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond, one of Brad Lancaster’s approachable and inspiring works. As discussed in the prior post in this series, the first principle of

Introduction to Permaculture with David Shaw

Permaculture, an Introduction & Overview [Video]

What is Permaculture? David Shaw gave an introductory talk about permaculture during a workshop hosted by Sustainable Solano in August 2017. David is Santa Cruz Permaculture’s Director & Lead Designer. The video and slides from his talk are available below, as well as on our Youtube Channel. To receive updates when we post new videos, please click the red Subscribe

Seven people standing and digging a swale in an orchard

Restoring Watersheds & Soils: PDC Reflections [Part 3/8]

This series of eight blog posts by Melissa Ott about the Santa Cruz Permaculture fall-winter 2017 Permaculture Design Course was originally posted on the Green Gal blog in April 2017.017. Weekend Two: November 5-6, 2016 The second weekend of the Santa Cruz Permaculture Design course, we explored watersheds, water catchment, understanding climate and microclimates, and the characteristics and management of

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