Alumni Spotlight: Anna & Kyle King
In our alumni spotlight for this month, we interviewed Anna and Kyle King, who received their Permaculture Design Certificates (PDC) in winter 2019 through our course.
In our alumni spotlight for this month, we interviewed Anna and Kyle King, who received their Permaculture Design Certificates (PDC) in winter 2019 through our course.
In our alumni spotlight for this month, we interviewed Jeff Barton, who received his Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) in 2018 through our course.
In our alumni spotlight for this month, we interviewed Julia Herring, who received her Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) in 2018 through our course.
An interview with Santa Cruz Permaculture PDC alum TJ Silva and his fiance Carli Cullens, of All Good Things Farm in the Salinas Valley, CA.
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