Tag: fruit trees

Key Learnings from Permaculture Food Forests, Weekend One

During Santa Cruz Permaculture’s first Permaculture Food Forests class the weekend of August 10-11, twenty eager students had the opportunity to visit three different sites that share the same goal: growing food and medicine.

Rainwater Harvesting: Berms and Swales

In the fourth post in our Rainwater Harvesting series, learn how to design and build berms and swales to slow, spread, and sink water on sloped landscapes.


Summer Pruning & Understory Planting [Fruit Tree Care, Part 4]

By Melissa Ott Fant In this summer update to our Fruit Tree Care series, we’re covering some important best practices for summertime in the orchard: summer pruning, weeding around fruit trees, and effective strategies for designing and planting understory plant communities, or guilds. By this point in the summer, hopefully you’ve already thinned your fruit trees and have been regularly

Man holding hand pruners up to a tree branch to winter prune.

Winter Pruning & Training [Fruit Tree Care, Part 3]

By Melissa Ott Fant Grab your Felcos, folks, it’s winter fruit tree pruning season! We’re happy to share 13 reputable winter fruit tree pruning and training resources. Give your tree the love and support it needs to produce really delicious, sweet fruit season after season! “Felcos” is a brand that makes pruning tools like the hand pruners David Robles is

How to plant a fruit tree diagram by Robert Kourik

Fruit Tree Planting & Care [Part 2]: Where & How to Plant

By Melissa Ott Fant In part one of this series, we explored many questions to consider when selecting deciduous bare root fruit trees for your garden or orchard. In this post, we’ll discuss how to assess your landscape to find the ideal place for your new tree to thrive. Where will your tree grow best in your landscape? In addition

Apple tree

Fruit Tree Planting & Care [Part 1]: Tree Selection

By Melissa Ott Fant Do you dream of harvesting sweet plums, apples, pears, or other delicious fruits from trees in your own backyard? You can begin growing your food forest right now because winter is the time to plant deciduous bare root fruit trees! In this how-to guide, we’ll focus on deciduous bare root fruit tree selection in part one

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