Tag: guild

Key Learnings from Permaculture Food Forests, Weekend One

During Santa Cruz Permaculture’s first Permaculture Food Forests class the weekend of August 10-11, twenty eager students had the opportunity to visit three different sites that share the same goal: growing food and medicine.


Building Resilient Communities at the 13th Annual NorCal Permaculture Convergence

Last month in Hopland, CA, 610 permaculture-minded folks from all over Northern California and beyond gathered for the 13th Annual NorCal Permaculture “Building Resilient Communities” Convergence. Presented by Living Mandala and co-sponsored by a super rad list of organizations and businesses, the Convergence is proud to be the world’s largest permaculture event! The Solar Living Center where the Convergence is


Summer Pruning & Understory Planting [Fruit Tree Care, Part 4]

In this summer update to our Fruit Tree Care series, we’re covering some important best practices for summertime in the orchard: summer pruning, weeding around fruit trees, and effective strategies for designing and planting understory plant communities, or guilds. By this point in the summer, hopefully you’ve already thinned your fruit trees and have been regularly watering them if you

village marketplace with times along the left and letter locations along the top

Open Space Technology: Starting a Permaculture Guild in Santa Cruz [March 2018]

This is the second article in a series about how to start a permaculture guild in your community. It’s based on what we’ve been doing to start one in Santa Cruz, CA. In the first article, we explore what a Permaculture Guild is and how to host your first meeting using the World Cafe process. In this article, we describe

World Cafe Guidelines

Starting a Permaculture Guild in Santa Cruz: World Cafe [February 2018]

Looking for a place to share a meal and good conversation with other folks in your community who care about permaculture? A permaculture guild might be just what you need! “Ask your doctor if permaculture is right for you.” The Santa Cruz Permaculture Guild, which has existed in various iterations over the decades, is back in action and now meets

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