Tag: natural building

Alumni Spotlight: Julia Herring

In our alumni spotlight for this month, we interviewed Julia Herring, who received her Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) in 2018 through our course.

Cob Enthusiasts Push to Permit Mud Homes [Good Times Santa Cruz]

“Claudine Désirée, locally known as the “Santa Cruz Cob Queen,” is the proud creator of Santa Cruz’s first legal cob house. Cob is a natural building material made from Earth, sand and straw, and cob houses have been around since at least the 15th century. Since cob buildings are fireproof, resistant to seismic activity and inexpensive, Désirée says they should also be the future of housing in California.”

Introduction to Permaculture with David Shaw

Permaculture, an Introduction & Overview [Video]

What is Permaculture? David Shaw gave an introductory talk about permaculture during a workshop hosted by Sustainable Solano in August 2017. David is Santa Cruz Permaculture’s Director & Lead Designer. The video and slides from his talk are available below, as well as on our Youtube Channel. To receive updates when we post new videos, please click the red Subscribe

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