Top 25 Permaculture Articles of 2020

We share permaculture articles on the Santa Cruz Permaculture Facebook page nearly every day of the year in an effort to keep our community informed, engaged, and stoked on the many exciting and important efforts happening around the world. Of the 100s of articles that we shared in 2020, we’ve compiled 25 of the most popular ones, listed in order of engagement. 

1. California: First State to Mandate Universal Composting (Waste 360)

2. Bay Area Native Americans Granted Property Rights to Sacred Mountain (KQED)

3. Turning Fire Into Water: Permaculture Approaches to Fire Ecology, Preparedness, & Communications (Santa Cruz Permaculture)

4. Comic: Why You Should Turn Your Yard Into a Mini-Farm (Yes! Magazine)

5. Out-Of-Work Appalachian Coal Miners Retrained As Beekeepers (Return to Now)

6. We Convert People’s Yards Into Food-Growing Gardens. You Can Transform Yours Too. (Huffington Post)

7. People Use Chalk to Write Plant Names on Sidewalks to Help People Connect With Nature (Good News Network)

8. Farming While Black: Dismantling Racism in the Food System (Center for Urban Education about Sustainable Agriculture)

9. Mexico Announces Phase-Out and Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides (Sustainable Pulse)

10. How to Turn Your Yard Into an Ecological Oasis (Yes! Magazine)

11. Beavers create fire-resistant forest patches (The Wildlife Society)

12. Solutions Underfoot: How Paul Stamets is Using Mushrooms to Save the Bees (Bioneers)

13. Forest garden with over 500 edible plants requires only a few hours of work monthly (The Hearty Soul)

14. The High School Where Learning to Farm Is a Graduation Requirement (Yes! Magazine)

15. Shop Local Gift Guide 2020 (Santa Cruz Permaculture)

16. Perennial Vegetables Are a Solution in the Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change (Civil Eats)

17. The Moment for Food Sovereignty is Now (Civil Eats)

18. For Asian Immigrants, Cooperatives Came From the Home Country (Yes! Magazine)

19. California Cities Turn To Hired Hooves To Help Prevent Massive Wildfires (KQED)

20. Preparing for winter rains after the fires (Santa Cruz Permaculture)

21. Indigenous tribes are at the forefront of climate change planning in the U.S. (Grist)

22. Humanity Can’t Recycle Its Way Out of Consumption Problems (Truthout)

23. Why Outdoor Education May Be the Key to Reopening Schools Safely (Bioneers)

24. The Ultimate Guide to Sheet Mulching (Chelsea Green Publishing)

25. Introducing Permaculture Into Homeschooling While in Lockdown (Permaculture Research Institute)

We will continue to share articles, events, job opportunities, and more on our Facebook page each day. If you aren’t already following us, we invite you to join the conversation!

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