Introduction to Permaculture – Online Session – February 5, 2025

Are you permaculture curious? Maybe you’ve heard the term, but don’t quite get what it’s all about? Organic gardening or something? Is there more to it? And what’s unique about the Santa Cruz Permaculture approach?

Permaculture design is a method of landscape planning that can be applied to anything, from a home garden or farm to a city block or entire village.

Get all your permaculture questions answered in this 60-minute live session. We’ll discuss what permaculture is and isn’t and how it fits into the global approach to societal change. We’ll also explore how permaculture can apply to your life, land and community. We’ll briefly discuss critiques of permaculture, and how we navigate the space with our online community, blog, and, permaculture farm.

And don’t worry, there will be lots of time for questions!

Registration is offered on a sliding scale of $5 to $20 with no one turned away for a lack of funds. Registration in this event is included for free with a subscription to our online community The Permaculture Village.

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