Systems Change & the Next Economy

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This course has now completed. You are encouraged to sign up for our newsletter to learn about future offerings. Please email us if you’d like us to offer this course again.


Systems Change & the Next Economy

Regenerative Design for People & the Planet

Join us for a series of four weekend workshops exploring economics for a thriving, just, and regenerative world. The four workshops, which can be taken as individual workshops or as an entire course series, bring together instructors from a variety of backgrounds, each critically examining aspects of our economic, financial, and money systems and offering inspiring alternative models, systems, and examples.

Each workshop takes place over the course of one weekend in Santa Cruz County. Additional details sent upon registration. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Upon successful completion of this course, graduates will be able to:

  • Define Right Livelihood & reflect on one’s personal Right Livelihood

  • Further identify your vocare, or calling, and ways to move toward it

  • Apply the reflective process of the Spiral of the Work That Reconnects to one’s role in The Great Turning

  • Examine how permaculture design can support the development of regenerative economies

  • Explain the core function and purpose of “economics”

  • Illustrate the inextricable relationship between economics, ecology, and people

  • Explore various alternative economic systems, including Buddhist economics, gift economies, and doughnut economics

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the money and banking system in the U.S.

  • Examine how finance and investing can align with your values and support a local, resilient economy

  • Assess alternative economic tools and business models, including complementary currencies, timebanks, land trusts, and cooperatives

  • Challenge the assumptions and connotations of “economics” common in U.S. society


Course Dates 2019

  • January 26-27: Cultivating Right Livelihood: Embark on the path of inner and outer transition for a more beautiful and sustainable world with Della Duncan

  • February 23-24: Essential Knowledge for Transition: Understanding the economy, money and investing and how to transform them for a regenerative world with Marco Vangelisti

  • March 16-17: Restorative Economics: Strategies for Just Transition to a more Sustainable, Equitable and Just Economy with Nwamaka Agbo

  • April 6-7: Designing the Regenerative Economy: Next Economy design principles and strategies for vocation and regenerative enterprise design with Kevin Bayuk and Erin Axelrod

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January 26-27 with Della Duncan

Cultivating Right Livelihood

Embark on the path of inner and outer transition for a more beautiful and sustainable world

Join us for a transformative journey that aims to align your livelihood with a deeper purpose in service of happiness and well-being for you, others, and the planet. In this workshop, Della Duncan, broadcast journalist, teacher, and leading alternative economist will weave together stories, games, and practices to invite us to:

  • Explore what is wrong with the current economic system and why it is not delivering well-being and health.

  • Look at the seeds of new possibilities and learn what we need to do to allow them to emerge.

  • Find how we can each contribute to the more equitable, sustainable, and just economy we want right now.

Learning Objectives:

  • Define Right Livelihood

  • Reflect on one’s personal Right Livelihood and identify ways to move toward it

  • Develop connections between our inner and outer journeys for change

  • Illustrate the inextricable relationship between economics, ecology, and people

  • Explore alternative livelihood theories, tools, and business models

Read an interview with Della, and listen to her describe Right Livelihood.

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February 23-24 with Marco Vangelisti

Essential Knowledge for Transition

Understanding the economy, money and investing and how to transform them for a regenerative world 

Few of us realized the extent to which the design of the money system, the economic system and the financial system constraints our choices and frustrates our desire to bring forth a more healthy and compassionate world. Regular people feel intimidated by the language used by experts and confused by jargon. The purpose of the weekend course is to provide an accessible understanding of money, the economy and investing. We will identify the design flaws of those systems and find out how we can participate in their transformation. In the first section “Breaking the money taboo” we will talk about the money system, alternative currencies and ways to redesign money so that it works for all members of society and in balance with a healthy environment. In the section “Beyond Capitalism” we will explore the economy and healthier alternatives to capitalism. Finally in the section “Investing for the World we Want” we will look at the role finance and investing can play in such transformation.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the core function and purpose of “economics”

  • Illustrate the inextricable relationship between economics, ecology, and people

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the money and banking system in the U.S.

  • Explore how current economic institutions can be repurposed for a regenerative economy

  • Explain the current economic system and explore alternatives

  • Assess alternative economic tools and business models, including complementary currencies, timebanks, land trusts, and cooperatives

  • Explore ways of structuring a social enterprise in a way to protect its mission in perpetuity

  • Examine how finance and investing can align with your values and support a local, resilient economy

Read an interview with Marco, and listen to him discuss what is exciting to him about this work.

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March 16-17 with Nwamaka Agbo

Restorative Economics

Strategies for Just Transition to a more Sustainable, Equitable and Just Economy 

At a time of growing economic inequality, ecological degradation and social unrest we need to understand the root causes that created the problems before us in order to identify real solutions for a just transition to an equitable economy. Restorative Economics is a strategy that takes a restorative justice approach that restores and reinvests in low-income communities of color by establishing community-owned and community-governed projects for self-determination and shared prosperity. The weekend session will take a deep look at the historical, political and social context of the US economy, with a critical eye towards the personal transformation and systemic shifts necessary to create a truly just economy. Through storytelling, case study analysis, group discussion, and personal reflection participants will end the weekend with an understanding of their role and responsibility towards transforming their local economy and how to do it in an inclusive and equitable way.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze the role of healing and reparations in building an equitable economy

  • Provide an overview of the policies and practices that uphold economic inequality and how to transform them

  • Study governance structures and ownership models and their role in creating self-determination and shared prosperity

Read an interview with Nwamaka and listen to an audio clip from our conversation.

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April 6-7 with Kevin Bayuk and Erin Axelrod

Designing the Regenerative Economy

Next Economy design principles and strategies for vocation and regenerative enterprise design

In this session, we’ll collectively explore the possibility of how we can redesign the economy to create regenerative outcomes of security, prosperity and a stable climate rather than outcomes of exploitation and inequity. By gaining an understanding of the design constraints of the business as usual economy we will chart a pathway of transformation, using permaculture design principles, methods and ethics, to an economy that works or the benefit of all life. Through small exercises, group discussion and case studies we will explore how to design enterprises and organizations that provide needed goods and services in ways that enhance and restore environmental and social prosperity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine how permaculture design can support the development of regenerative economies

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the money and banking system in the U.S.

  • Examine how finance and investing can align with your values and support a local, resilient economy

  • Assess alternative economic tools and business models, including complementary currencies, timebanks, land trusts, and cooperatives

  • Explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in creating a next economy enterprise

Read an interview with Erin and Kevin, and watch this short video of Erin describing what their workshop will cover.



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  • $900 – Full 4-Month Tuition

  • $850 – Early Bird Special – Register by December 21st and save $50

  • $800 – Super Early Bird Special – Register by November 26th and save $100

  • $750 – Three Weekends

  • $525 – Two Weekends

  • $275 – One Weekend

  • Please Inquire about Payment Plans, Low-income and Youth POC Discounts

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Payment Options


Frequently Asked Questions

What do you mean by “systems change” and “the next economy”?

Throughout human history we have moved through a wide range of governance and economic systems. In all likelihood we will continue to change, and we can expect that the economic structures of tomorrow will be different than today (i.e. we won’t have capitalism or communism or socialism but instead some other system). We do not know what the next economy will look like, but we know there will be one. As a permaculture focused educational organization, Santa Cruz Permaculture is focused on systems change. This shows up in ecological, socio-political, economic, and spiritual ways. This Systems Change & the Next Economy course offers a deeper dive into this “high leverage” subject. People have said for decades that we want to change the system – but how? Let’s explore together.

Are there readings, videos, and other materials to supplement our time together?

Yes. We provide a very comprehensive online course reader for free. We also have full-length interviews and videos with our instructors available on our blog here.

What time does class start and end?

Class meets Saturday from 10:00am – 6:00pm with a lunch break, and Sunday from 9:00am – 12:00pm.

How do I register?

Please use the PayPal link above. Registration includes access to course sessions you sign up for, an online course reader, and on-site camping. While a kitchen is provided, we do not provide food. There is a PayPal Handing Fee included in the price. You do not need a PayPal account to register. Clicking on the Pay Now button will take you to the PayPal site, and then once you make your payment please fill out the additional form to complete registration.

What is the refund policy?

Cancellations up to two weeks before the course begins will be refunded, excluding a $150 processing fee. No refunds are given after that date.


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